Sunday, 20 April 2014

Roman walls at Pevensey Castle
Hastings Castle
Darron and Jamie at the spot where our king fell,with the group flag.Memorial cross, bottom left of the slab.
On top of Senlac Hill,among the English positions.
The memorial slab marking the spot where King Harold fell.
Norman keep at Pevensey
                                                                The Ypres Tower at Rye.

Hastings Trip

In early April this year,some Bar Folc members went on holiday to East Sussex and visited a number of historic places linked with our great English heritage and culture,most notably the small town of Battle,where as you know ,William the Bastard began the invasion and subjugation of our land and folc.We were honoured to stand where our great King Harold fell fighting and Darron Fogg laid a memorial cross for our King and all his men.
We also visited Hastings Castle,Pevensey Castle,Camber Castle and the Ypres Tower in Rye,as well as the usual holiday haunts.We were fortunate with excellent weather for all but 1 day ! It is certainly beneficial for anyone interested in our history to join English Heritage as we have done.